1 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Thomas N. Hart et. al. Trustees of the/Brookline Land Company/vs/the Jamaica Pond Aqueduct Corporation/Supreme Judicial Court/in equity [orig]/; Scale 132 feet to an inch [orig] |
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10 |
Study for Junction at/Chestnut St [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /; Scale 1/480 [scale - verso]/ Riverdale [verso] |
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100-sh1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Profiles to Accompany Grading Plan No. 309 [99]/ ; Scale Horz. 40' =1" /Vertical 4' = 1" [recto] Leverett Park [verso] Willow Pond dis. [pi] |
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100-sh2 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Profiles to Accompany Grading Plan No. 309 [99]/ ; Scale Horz. 40' =1" /Vertical 4' = 1" [recto] Leverett Park [verso] Willow Pond dis. [pi] |
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101-sh1 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Cross Sections to Accompany Grading Plan No. 309 [923-99]/ ; Scale 10'= 1' |
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101-sh2 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Cross Sections to Accompany Grading Plan No. 309 [99]/ ; Scale 10 ' = 1" [recto] Leverett Pk [recto] Willow Pond dis. [pi] |
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102 |
-Leverett Pk [verso]/ -Wall S. Side of Chestnut St. [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1", 4'=1" [pi] |
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103 |
-Leverett Pk [verso]/ -Wall S. Side Chestnut St. Sections [pi]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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104 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Plan of Wall on South Side of Chestnut St./ Leverett Pk.(recto); Scale 40'=1" [plan]/ -[profile scale] Hor. 40'=1" /Vert 4'=1" -[section scale) 10'=1" |
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105 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Plan for Grading/ At the Crossing Of/ Jamaica Way & Perkins St./ Leverett Pk. (recto)/ ; Scale 1" = 40' , Horz. 1" = 40', Vert. 1" = 4' |
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106 |
Revised Grading Plan For Upper End of Willow Pond [recto]/ Rev. Grad. Study &/Sectn's... [pi] |
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108 |
Leverett Pk [verso] Road through Nickerson Est./Topo of Portion [pi]/ ; Scale 1" = 40' (orig) |
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109 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Plan of Parkway through Nickerson Est. Received from City Engineers Office (recto)/ Leverett Pk. (recto)/ ; Scale 1' = 40" (linear scale-recto) |
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110 |
Parkway/Grading on the Nickerson Estate/ ; Scale 1/4240 [recto]/ Scale 40' = 1" [pi]/-Everett Pk [verso] Nickerson Est. grad. study/of bank/sec. no 344 [111]/prof. no. 345 [112] [pi] |
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111-sh1 |
-Parkway/No 344 [111]/To Accy Grading Study of Bank/on Nickerson Estate No. 343 [110] -Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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111-sh2 |
-Parkway/ |
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112 |
-to accy No 343 [110]/ Wall on Nic\kerson Estate [recto]/ -Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1", 4'=1" [pi] |
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113 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Grading on Nickerson Estate Boarding The Parkway. -Leverett Pk [recto]/ ; -Scale 40'=1" |
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113-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Grading on Nickerson Estate Bordering the Parkway [orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [orig]/ Nickerson Est. grad. pl. for/bank/sec [illeg] prof. no. 347 [114] [pi] |
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114 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/Section & Profile to Accompany No. 346/ Leverett Pk. (recto)/ ; Scale 1" = 10', Hor. 1" = 40', Vert. 1" = 4' |
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114-pt1 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Sections & Profiles to Accompany No. 346 (orig)/ Leverett Pk. (verso)/ ; Scale 1" = 10', Horz. 1" = 40', Vert. 1" = 4' |
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115 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Revised Portion of Profile on Centre Line of Walk A.B./as shown on Grading Plan No. 309 [923-99] -Leverett Pk [recto]/; -Horizontal Scale 40' to 1" /Vertical Scale 4' = 1" -[title as above, with the addition |
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116 |
-Leverett Pk [verso] -Line of Hart Prop. on Nickerson Est. Plan Showing [pi]/ ; Scale 50'= 1" [recto] |
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117 |
-Plan of/Wall and Slopes/on the/Joseph Nickerson Estate/on Jamaica Way near Perkins St./ ; (Scale 40'=1" ] [pi] -Leverett Pk [recto] |
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118-tp1 |
The Parkway/No. 420/; Scale 40'=1" [recto]/ Junct'n of Perkins & Chestnut St./Rev. Study To Save Trees etc. [pi] |
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119 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway - Jamaica Park/Restudy for Junction of Chestnut and Perkins Sts. -Leverett Pk [recto]/ ; [Scale 40'=1"] pi & recto |
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11-pa-1 |
Section on Morse Ave. Extended / [Scales] 40'=1" [recto] 4'=1 inch [recto]/ Profile on Line of/Walk Alongside Wards Pond No.2 [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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120 |
-Leverett Pk [verso] -scale 1" = 40' [recto] -junction of Perkins & Chestnut St. Engineer's cross-section lines [pi] |
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121 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Jamaicaway to Chestnut St./rev. grad. study for cross-drive [pi]/ ; Scale 1/480 [recto] |
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122 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway-Jamaica Park/Revised Grading Plan for Perkins St. from Jamaicaway to Chestnut St./ ; Horizontal Scale 40'=1" Vertical, Scale 4'=1"/ Leverett Pk. |
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123 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Leverett Park/Retaining Wall/on the/Easterly Side of Chestnut St. at the/Pumping Station [orig] /; Scale 1/4" = 1' ; 1" = 1'; 1"= 2'; 1" = 10' |
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124 |
-City of Boston-Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch of the General Plan of Jamaica and Leverett Park/ ; Scale 200'=1" |
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124-pt1 |
City of Boston Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch of General Plan of Jamaica and Leverett Parks/; Scale of Feet [linear] 200'=1" [orig]/ Leve[rett] Park [verso] |
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124-pt2 |
City of Boston- Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch of the General Plan of Jamaica and Leverett Parks [orig] /; Scale of Feet 1"=200' [linear -orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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126-tp1 |
Levels At Walks North Side/of Perkins Sr. [recto]/; Scale 8'=1" [recto] /Leverett Pk [verso] |
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127 |
Levels at Cuts North side of Perkins St./on Parkway/; Scale 1" = 10' [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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128 |
Cross Sections at Cut North of Perkins St./ ; Scale 10'=1" [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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12-pa1 |
Profile on Line of Walk Boston Side/from Wards Pond to Crossroad [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] / ;[Scales] H 40' = 1" ,V 4' = 1" |
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130-tc1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch For Location Of Boat House in Cove On/East Side of Leverett Pond [recto] / ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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130-tc2 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch For Location of Boat House in Cove on/East Side of Leverett Pond [recto]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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131 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch for Location of Boat Landing at Foot/of Leverett Pond [recto]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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132 |
City of Boston Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch of Boat House in Cove on/East Side of Leverett Pond / ; Scale 40'=1" |
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132-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch of Boat House in Cove on/East Side of Leverett Pond/; Scale 40'=1" |
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133 |
City of Boston Park Department/Leverett Park/Sketch of Boat Landing at Foot/of Leverett Pond/; Scale 40'=1" |
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134 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch for Boat Landing at South End of Leverett Pond [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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135 |
Proposed Curves at/Junction Parkway & Castleton Sts./; Scale 40'=1" [recto] /Leverett Pk [verso] |
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136-pa1 |
Sketch Showing Junction/of Castleton St. and The Parkway/ ; Scale 1" = 40' [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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138-sh1 |
Leverett Pond Boathouse/; Scale 1/ " = 1' [recto] /Alt[ernative] Study For/Boathouse Pl. & elev. [pi] The Parkway/514 [recto] |
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138-sh2 |
Leverett Pond Boathouse/ ; Scale 1/4" = 1' [recto]/ Alt[ernative] study for/boathouse pl. & elev. [pi] /Leverett Pk [verso]/ |
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139 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Location for Maintenance/Shed Overlooking Leverett Pond [pi]/; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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13-pa1 |
Profile On Line of Tremont St./Riverdale Park [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; (Scale) 40'=1" , 4'=1" [pi] |
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14 |
Leverett Pk [verso] /The Parkway/Boston Side West of Tremont St./by Jamaica Pond/Showing Old & Near Line/ 300' = 1" [verso) |
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14A |
Leverett Pk [verso]/; Scale 1/480 [recto]/ Riverdale/Study Boston Side [verso] Nat. History Soc. Grounds/Study for - Near Wards Pond [pi] |
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15 |
Riverdale/Study For Arrangements/of Ponds for N.H.S. [recto]/; Scale 1/480 [scale - recto] Leverett Pk [verso]/ Nat. Hist. Soc. Grounds [pi] |
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16 |
Town of Brookline/The Parkway/Plan Showing Arrangement/Boston Side between/Tremont & Perkins St. [verso] /; Scale 300'=1" [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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17 |
City of Boston - Park Commission/Plan of the Parkway/As Proposed to be Widened/between Tremont and Perkins Streets; Showing Also Ground that/may be leased to the Boston Society of Natural History [recto]/ ; Scale of feet [linear] 300'=1" [recto] /Plan sho |
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18 |
City of Boston Park Commission/Diagram/Showing Extent of Proposed Widening to.Accompany Plan of Dec. 23rd 1889 [recto] /; Scale of feet [linear] 300'=1" [recto] Diagram showing land taken/for pro[posed] widening between/Tremont St. & Jamaica Pd [pi] Lever |
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19 |
Plan For Revision/Parkway/Boundary Near Hea[rest of title torn away - recto] Boundary near Heath St. [pi]/; Scale 40 ' =1 " [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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2 |
Leverett /Pk [verso]/ Jamaica Parkway - Study/South of Tremont St .[pi]/ ;Scale 100' = 1" [pi] |
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20 |
Study For Widening H[rest of title torn off - recto] Heath St, Widening [pi]/ ; Scale 40 ' = 1" [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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21 |
Heath St. Bank Est. [verso]/; Scale 50 " = 1' [verso]/ Obtained from City Surveyor's/Office Jan'y [missing] 1890 [verso]/Leverett Pk [verso]/ |
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22 |
City of Boston Park Department/Preliminary Grading Plan/for/Jamaica-Way/According to Plan of 1889/ ; Scale of Feet/ 40'=1" [linear - recto] Jamaica Pk [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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23-pa1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Profile to Accompany Plan of Feb. 19th 1890 [recto] / ; Scale Hor. 40' = 1"/ Ver. 4' = 1"/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ Jamaicaway/Preliminary Profile [verso] |
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24 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Preliminary Grading Plan/for/Jamaicaway/According to Plan of 1881 [recto]/ ; Scale of Feet/ 40'=1" [linear - recto] /Leverett Pk [verso] |
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25 |
City of Boston - Park Department Preliminary Grading Plan for Jamaica-Way According to Plan of 1881 With Revision to Make Room For Fresh Water Aquarial Garden Scale 1" = 40' |
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26-pa1 |
City of Boston Park Department/Profiles to Accompany Plan of Feb. 21st 1890 [recto]/ ; Scale Hor. 40' =1" [scale -recto] Ver. 4' = 1" [scale -recto] Leverett Pk [verso] /Jamaica Way/According to Plan of 1881 [verso] |
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27 |
Study for Easterly Boundary of/Jamaicaway [verso] / ; Scale1/480 [recto -scale]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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28 |
City of Boston Park Department/Study for Alternative Lines For/Easterly Boundary [pi/] Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto] |
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29-pa-1 |
Profile on Centre Line of Road Round/Ward Pond - from Ch. Street to Centre/of Pleasure Drive/ ; Scale Hor. 40 ' = 1" [recto] Vert 4 ' = 1 inch [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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30 |
The Parkway/Tremont St. to J. Pond/Boston Side [verso]/ [Levere]tt Pk [verso - affected by losses] /Jamaicaway-Study/from Tremont St. to Perkins St. [pi] / ; Scale 1/480 [scale -recto] |
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31 |
Jamaicaway/Plan given Mr. French/To Estimate Area of Land Taken [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/; [Scale] 40 ' =1" [verso] |
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32-pa1 |
City of Boston-Park Department/Profile of Bridle Path to Accompany Plan of Feb.21st,1890/ ; [scale] Hor. 40' = 1" [recto] Ver. 4' = 1" [recto] Leverett Pk [verso] Jamaica Way/Preliminary Profile/Ride [verso] |
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33 |
Boston - Park Commission/The Parkway/Tremont to Perkins St. [verso]/Leverett Pk [verso]/ Grading Plan Fr Jamaica Way [verso]/; Scale 1/480 [scale -verso] |
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34 |
City of Boston Park Dept./Muddy River Imp/Shelter Near Willow Pond/ ; Scale 1/48 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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35-pa-1 |
City of Boston Park Dept./The Parkway - "Jamaicaway"/Shelter Near Cove in Leverett Pond [verso[ /Leverett Pk [verso] |
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36 |
-Boston Park Commission/Bridge at Cove Leverett Pond -The Parkway/Footbridge...[illeg & crossed out]/at Entrance to Cove in/Leverett Pond/ ; Scale 1/48 [verso] |
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36-tp1 |
-Parkway/Bridge at Cove - Leverett Pond / ; Scale 1/48 |
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37 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Bridge at Entrance to Cove in Leverett Pond/ ; Scale 4'=1" [recto] /Leverett Pk [verso]/ Footbridge at entrance... [pi] |
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38 |
Natural History Garden/ ; [Scale] 1/480 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /The Parkway/Pre.Plan for Walks & Ponds/from Willow Pond [illeg] Perkins St. [verso]/ Riverdale/Study for Natural History Grounds/in Willow Pond & Ward Pond/District [verso] |
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39 |
The Parkway/Profiles of Walks &/[illeg] for Pre. Plan of/Walks & Ponds between/Perkins St. & Willow Pond Road [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /;[Scale/ 1/480/ 1/48 [verso] |
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4 |
Park Department/City of Boston/Plan Of/Proposed Muddy River Improvement/Showing Contours [orig]/ ; Scale [linear] 300'=1" [orig]/ Litho of Survey/with line in red [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ Riverway & Leverett Pk [pi] |
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40 |
City of Boston Park Department/The Parkway/Preliminary Plan for Walks and Ponds between/Perkins Street and Willow Pond Road / ; Scale of Feet [linear] 40'=1 " [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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40-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Preliminary Plan For Walks and Ponds between /Perkins Street and Willow Pond Road [orig]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [orig] |
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41 |
City of Boston Park Department/The Parkway/Preliminary Plan for Walks and Ponds between Perkins Street and Willow Pond [orig]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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42 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/grading plan for Willow Pond [orig] Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [orig] |
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44 |
City of Boston Park Department/Muddy River Impvt/Study For Arrangement of Drives and Walks at Corner of/Chestnut Street and Perkins St./ ; Scale 40'=1" [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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45 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond & Perkins St./rev. prof. to acc. plan/for walks & ponds no. 154 [38] [pi] / ;Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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46 |
Leverett Pk [verso] /Willow Pond & Perkins St - rev. prof./to acc. plan for walks & ponds/No 154 [38] [pi] |
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46-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch for Ponds in National History Society's Grounds [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto]/ -Willow Pond & Perkin's St.-rev. prof./to acc. plan for walks & ponds/no.154 [38] [pi] |
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47 |
The Parkway [recto]/ ; 1/480 [scale - recto] Maintenance Shed Near/Aspinwall Ave. - Study For Location [pi] |
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48 |
Maintenance Shed near Willow/Pond Road-Study for Location [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso) / 1/480 [recto]/ ;Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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49 |
The Parkway/No. 211 [recto] Leverett Pk [verso] Maintenance Shed near/Perkins St. - Study for Location [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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4A |
Suggestion/for the/Improvement of Muddy River/and for/Completing a Continuous Promenade/from the Common to Jamaica Pond [orig] / ; [linear Scale] 750'=1" [orig] Scale 300'=1" [pi] Leverett Pk [verso] Boston-/Muddy River proofs [verso] |
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4B |
-Park Department/City of Boston/Plan of/Proposed Muddy River Improvement/Showing Contours [orig] -Lev Pk & Riverway [recto]/ ;[linear Scale 300'=1"][recto] -Boston Park Dept./Muddy River survey-//with notes & line of road [verso] -Leverett Pk [verso] |
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5 |
Leverett Pk/&/Riverway [recto] Boston Park Dept./Plan for Muddy River [verso]/ ; Scale 100'=1" [recto] |
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50 |
The Parkway/No. 217 [recto] Leverett Pk [verso] Perkins St. - Prof. To Acc. Study/For Taking Bridle Path Under/No 216 [pi] / ; Scale 40'=1", 4'=1" [pi] |
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51 |
Cleveland Estate - Topo [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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52 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Rd & Perkins St/.grad study/ sec. no. 221 [53] [pi] / ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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53-sh1 |
The Parkway 221 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Road & Perkins St/sect'n to acc, grad. study no. 219 [52] [pi]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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53-sh2 |
The Parkway/221 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] Willow Pond Rd & Perkins St./sectn's to acc. grad. study no. 219 [52] [pi] / ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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54-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Sketch Showing Proposed Plan for Carrying/ Bridle Path under Perkins Street [orig]/ ; Scale of feet/ 40'=1" [orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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55 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Rd & Perkins St./Grad Plan/Sec. No 224 [56] [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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56 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Rd & Perkins St./sectns to acc. grad. plan no 223 [53] [pi] / ;Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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57 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Study for Carrying Ride under Perkins St./ ; Scale 1" = 40' |
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6 |
Muddy River/Study at Ward's Pond [verso] Leverett Pk [verso]/; Scale 100' = 1" [pi] |
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60-tc1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Plan Showing Proposed \Boundary Near The/Junction of Perkins & Chestnut Sts. [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto] |
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61-tc1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Plan Showing Proposed Boundary Near the/Junction of Perkins & Chestnut Sts. [recto] Leverett Pk [recto]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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62 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway-Jamaica Pond/Study No. 4 for Grounds at Corner of Perkins and/Chestnut Streets, Showing Proposed Boundary [verso] Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [linear scale -recto] |
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63 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Jamaica Pond/Study No. 5 for Grounds at corner of Perkins and/Chestnut Streets, Showing Proposed Boundary [recto] /Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 1" = 40'(linear scale recto) |
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64 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Road to Perkins/St. Restudy for Walks & C [pi]/; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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65 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway-Jamaica Pond/Study No 4 for Grounds at Corner of Perkins and/Chestnut Streets, Showing Proposed Boundary/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto] Leverett Pk [recto] |
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66 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Study for Walks & Ponds between Willow/Pond Road & Perkins Street/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto] Leverett Pk (verso] Rev. pl. for walks & c. [pi] |
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66-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Study for Walks & Ponds between Willow/Pond Road & Perkins Street [orig] Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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67 |
Sketch Showing Location and Grades/of Culvert on Boston side of the Parkway/between Willow Pond Road and Perkins St/; Scale 1" = 40' [recto] Leverett Pk [verso]/ Drain under Parkway in/Willow Pond dis. Boston side [pi] |
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68 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Portion between Chestnut St .and/Curtis Property [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1 inch [recto] |
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69 |
-Leverett Pk [verso]/ Cross-drives from Chestnut St./to Curtis Property, Sketches [pi] / ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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7 |
Boston Park Dept./Study on Muddy River/Near Ward's Pond [recto] /Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 100' = 1" [pi] |
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70 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Plan Showing Proposed Boundary Near the/ Junction of Perkins & Chestnut Sts. [recto]. Also shows blue line of/Nov. 26th '92 [verso]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /Corner Perkins & Chestnut St/study 6/...(see no. 249 [7 |
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71 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Plan Showing Proposed Boundary Near the/ Junction of Perkins & Chestnut Sts./ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto] Leverett pk [verso]/ Proposed boundary at junction/of Perkins & Chestnut St/("blueline") [pi] |
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72 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Cross Drive between Perkins Est./ & Wards Pd. (Curtis prop. to Ch. St)/grad. study/sec no. 258 [73], prof. no. 259 [74] [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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73 |
The Parkway No. 258 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ Cross drive between Perkins Est. & Wards/Pd/ (Curtis prop. to Chestnut St)/sections to acc. grad. study no 257 [72] [pi]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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74-sh1 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ The Parkway 259 [recto] /Cross Drive Perkins Est. to Ward Pond (Curtis prop. to Ch. st) prof. to/acc grad. study 257 [72] [pi] / ; Scale 40'=1", 4'=1" [pi] |
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74-sh2 |
The Parkway 259 [recto]/ Cross Drive Perkins Est. to Wards Pd/(Curtis prop. to Ch St) prof. to/acc. grad study 257 [72] [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1", 4'=1" [pi] |
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75 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Cross-drive between Perkins Est. &/Wards Pd. (Curtis prop. to Ch. St)/grad study 2/sec 251 [75] prof 252 [77] [pi] /; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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76 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Cross Drive between Perkins Est &/Wards Pond (Curtis prop. to Ch. St)/sec to acc grad study 2 no. 250[ 75] [pi]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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77-sh1 |
Leverett Pk [verso] /Cross Drive between Perkins Est. &/Wards Pond (Curtis pro. to Ch. st)/prof to acc. grad. study 2, no 250 [75] [pi]/; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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77-sh2 |
The Parkway/No. 262 [verso] Cross Drive between Perkins Est. &/Ward Pd (Curtis prop. to Ch. St.)/prof. to acc. grad. study 2, no 260 [75] [pi]/ ; Scale 40'=1" , 4'=1" [pi] |
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77-sh3 |
The Parkway/ No. 263[verso]/ Cross between Perkins Est. & Ward's Pd. Curtis prop. to Ches. Sts. prof. to Acc. grad study2 No. 260(75)[pi]/ ; Scale 40' = 1', 4' = 1" [pi] |
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78 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Grading Plan for Perkins Street and Adjoining Slopes from/Jamaicaway to junction with Brookline Road [recto]/Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] Cross drive between Perkins Est/and Ward's P'd (Curtis Est. |
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78-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Grading Plan for Perkins Street and Adjoining Slopes from/Jamaicaway to junction with Brookline Road [orig]/; [linear Scale] 40'=1" [orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso] Cross drive between Perkins St. Est./and Ward's p |
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8 |
-Leverett Pk [verso]/ -Riverdale/Topographical Map of/Brookline Rd. & Jamaicaway/Districts/; Scale 1/480 [verso] Brookline Road & Jamaicaway/Topo [crossed out on PI & superseded by] Leverett Park topo [pi] |
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83 |
Leverett Park [verso]/ Cleveland & Perkins Est's/Portion of Showing Trees [pi]/ ; Scale 1" = 40' (recto) |
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84 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Dis. Grad. Study/Prof. No 287 [88], 308 [98]/Sec No. 288 [89] [pi] / ; Scale 40'=1" [pi] |
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85 |
-City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Cross Sections to Accompany Grading Plan No. 263 [923]-78 -Leverett Park [recto]/ ; Scale 10' = 1"[recto] |
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85-pt1 |
City of Boston Park Department/The Parkway/Cross Sections to Accompany Grading Plan No. 263 [78] [orig] Leverett Pk [verso] The Parkway-/Perkins Street Cr. Chestnut [verso] Cross drive section Perkins Est/& Ward's Pd (Curtis prop. to Ches. St)/typical sec |
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87 |
Parkway/No 274A [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /Planting Study/Muddy River Gate House to/Jamaica Pond [pi]/ ; Scale 160'=1" (?) [pi] Muddy River Imp [recto] Riverway [verso]/ |
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88 |
Leverett Park [verso]/ Willow Pond dis. - prof. to/Acc. Grad. Study No. 271 [84] [pi]/ Scale 40'=1" , 4'=1" [pi] |
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89 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond Dis. - Sec. to Acc/Grad Study No. 271 [84] [pi/]/ ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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9 |
Land between Heath St. Tremont St. and Pond Ave./M. French's Plan/ ; (Scale)1/480 [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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90 |
Was. St. to Cumberland Ave/Enlargement for Pltg [pi]/ Leverett Pk[verso]/ ; Scale 20'=1" [pi] |
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91 |
Cumberland Ave. to Highland/Enlargement for Pltg [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 20'=1" [pi] |
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92 |
Highland to Perkins St./Enlargement for Pltg [pi]/ Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 20'=1" [pi] |
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93 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Topographical Plans for Planting Study/ Section 4- From Tremont Street to Cumberland Avenue/ Leverett Park (verso)/ ; Scale 1" = 10' |
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94 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/Topographical Plan for Planting Study/ Section-6 from Cumberland Avenue to Highland Road./ Leverett Pk. (recto)/ ; Scale 1" = 20' |
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95 |
City of Boston-Park Department/ The Parkway/ Topographical Plan for Planting Study/ Section 7-from Highland Road to Perkins Street/; Scale 1" = 20' (P/I) (lines on plan appear to be 1" = 10' |
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95A |
Leverett Pk [verso] /Study for/Gen. Plan from/Jamaica Pond to/B.B. Fens [pi]/ ; Scale 155' = 1" [pi] |
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95B |
City of Boston - Park Department/Plan of the Parkway between/Muddy River Gate House and Jamaica Park [recto]/ Leverett Pk [verso] /Gen. Plan from/Jamaica Pond to/B.B. Fens [pi]/ ; Scale 155'=1" [linear scale - recto] |
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95B-pt1 |
City of Boston - Park Department/Plan of the Parkway between/Muddy River Gate House and Jamaica Park [orig] / ; [linear Scale] 155'=1" [orig] Leverett Pk [verso] The Riverway [verso] Gen. plan/Jamaica Pond to/B.B. Fens [pi] |
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96-pt1 |
City of Boston- Park Department/The Parkway/Grading Plan for Southern Portion of Willow Pond District [orig]/ ; Scale of Feet [linear]/40'=1" [orig] [prof] Scales Hor. 40'=1" [orig] Ver. 4'= 1" [orig]/ Leverett Pk [verso] |
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97 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ Willow Pond S. Portion - Sec to/Acc. Grad. Plan No. 306 [96] [pi] / ; Scale 10'=1" [pi] |
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99 |
City of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/Grading Plan For Walks and Ponds between/Willow Pond and Perkins Street [recto]/ Leverett Pk [recto]/ ; [Linear Scale] 40'=1" [recto]/ Willow Pond dis. - grad. plan/ Prof. no. 310-349 [100-115]/sec. no. 311 [10 |
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z1 |
-Bridge at Cove - Leverett Pond/; Scale 1/480 [recto] |
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z10 |
Leverett Pk [verso]/ ; Scale 40' =1" [recto] Willow Pond & Perkins St. - rev. prof./to acc. plan for walks & ponds/no 154 [38] [pi for 923-46] |
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z2 |
Park Department / City of Boston / Sketch showing arrangement for park-way with adjacent streets and building lots |
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z3 |
(No Title) |
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z4 |
Suggestion/for the/Improvement of Muddy River/and for/Completing a Continuous Promenade/from the Common to Jamaica Pond [orig] Lev. & Riv. [recto]/ ; [linear Scale] 750'=1" [orig] |
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z5 |
(No Title) |
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z6 |
(No Title) |
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z7 |
(No Title) |
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z8 |
-City of Boston Park Department/The Parkway/Plan Showing/Proposed Boundary Near the/Junction of Perkins & Chestnut Sts. [verso]/ ;Scale 40'=1" linear] -Leverett Pk [verso] |
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z9 |
[City] of Boston - Park Department/The Parkway/[sho]wing Proposed Boundary Near the/ [junc]tion of Perkins & Chestnut Sts. [orig]/ [addition]al topography [orig] /Leverett Pk [verso]/ |
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